
Monday, May 27, 2019

Hamlet thesis on decay and corruption Essay

William Shakespeares small town has been considered the greatest tragedy to ever be written. With a focus on the third of five comports in small town, Shakespeare develops the theme of two physical and psychological decay and putrescence through the actions, dialogues, and figurative language of the reputations. The evidence of this theme can be seen jetgh the breakdown of the royal family, and the monarchy, by the events surrounding small towns To be or not to be soliloquy, The Mousetrap, and the moral decay of the characters through the use of spying and poison.Hamlets character is the most puzzling of the whole play. His mind erodes further and further as the play unfolds. In act three, Hamlet asks himself whether he should commit suicide or fight the hardships in lifeTo be or not to be that is the question/ Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/ Or to take armor against a sea of troubles/ And, by opposing, end them. To d ie, to sleep/ No more.(3.1.64-69)Hamlet has mentally decayed since the slaying of his father. He has been driven to the point of contemplating suicide. According to Hamlet, no good can come from life. The only thing that stops people from killing themselves is the uncertainty of life after death. The format that Shakespeare used when writing Hamlets soliloquy portrays an insane man speaking with two voices. One wished to commit suicide and the other does not. The back and fourth talk insinuates madness much(prenominal) as schizophrenia. The decay of Hamlets mind had produced the question of suicide that he had asked of himself.The Mousetrap is a perfect example of the turpitude within the royal family. Not only did Hamlet produce the play to make a mockery of Claudius intelligence, but he also created a trap for the king to elapse into. Hamlet says to HoratioThere is a play tonight before the magnate./ One scene of it comes near thecircumstance/ Which I have told thee of my fath ers death./ I prithee, when thou seest that act afoot,/ Even with the very comment of thy soul/ Observe my uncle.(3.2.80-85)Hamlet has undermined the King by producing the play, and involved Horatio to observe Claudius reaction to it. The scheme against King Claudius goes directly against the honor code of the middle ages. One could easily be put to death as a result of such disgraces to the King. The play itself contained the murder by way of poisoning, which is one of the most dishonorable ways to die. Since the royal family is seeking revenge on one another it cannot be strong. The Mousetrap represents the corruption of the royal family, and the disintegration of the monarchy.A spiritual form of decay is seen through Claudius inability to seek forgiveness through prayer. Claudius cries outWhat then? What rests?/ Try what remorse can. What can it not?/ Yet what can it, when one cannot repent?/ O wretched state O Bosom black as death/ O limed soul, that, struggling to be free,/ Ar t more engaged(3.3.69-73)The piercing truth behind all that Claudius has done overwhelms him. He is unable to seek repentance for the vile deeds that he has committed. His soul has been corrupted by the murder of his brother.As Claudius knelt to cry out to God, Hamlet approaches him with thoughts of murder. He tells himself that Claudius should not meet his death sequence praying, for he will go to Heaven. Hamlet wants Claudius to have the worst death and afterlife possible as revenge for his fathers death instanter might I do it pat, now he is a-praying,/ And now Ill dot. And so he goes to heaven,/ And so am I revenged. That would be scanned/ A villainkills my father, and for that,/ I, his sole son, do theis same villain send/ To heaven. Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge.(3.3.77-84)The murder of Claudius and the unwillingness to send him to Heaven expresses the corruption of Hamlets morals. Also, it obviously further shows the corruption of the family.After the confrontat ion with Claudius, Hamlet sought his mother, Gertrude. The opening lines of their conversation direct the rest of the dialogue. Hamlet says to his mother, Now, mother, whats the matter? Gertrude responds, Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended, and Hamlet returns, Mother, you have my father much offended (3.4.11-13). Hamlet plans to yell at his mother for the evil that she has participated in. Hamlets reason with his mother displays not only the corruption of the family, but also the decay of Hamlets morals. Although Gertrude has done such evil things, it is questioned whether Hamlet has the authority to confabulate his own mother. Also, the morality of Gertrude herself is corrupted because she does not accept the evil that she has done, saying, O, speak to me no more/ These words like daggars enter in my ears (3.4.107-108). Both Gertrude and Hamlet both suffer from corruption, which will leads to their downfall.William Shakespeare uses act three to further develop the theme o f physical and emotional decay and corruption in Hamlet. The pinnacle of act three is Hamlets production of The Mousetrap. The and the majority of the act deals with the rising action of the preparation for the play, the climax of the play and Claudius reaction to it, and the falling action of Hamlets confrontation with Claudius and Gertrude. Decay and Corruption can be seen in all parts of act three through the actions, dialogue, and figurative language of the characters. The corruption and decay that lies within all characters of the play leads to the downfall of the monarchy, and the demise of Denmark.

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